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Postdoctoral Position on CRESST detector R&D

Due October 15, 2021!

The Max Plank Institute for Physics (MPP) is looking for Ph.D. scientists for a postdoctoral research position to strengthen the R&D activities on cryogenic detectors. The primary focus of this position is the optimization of Transition Edge Sensors de- sign for the CRESST-III experiment and the study of alternative target materials, within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center “Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics” (SFB 1258

Candidates must hold or be near completion of a PhD in experimental physics at the time of recruitment. A person with strong laboratory skills and a predilection toward instrumentation would be ideal for detector R&D. The candidate should have a background in astroparticle-, particle- or nuclear physics. Experience with cryogenic detectors and dilution refrigerators as well as in low background methods is an ad- vantage.