News & Events
December 11, 2023
Holiday Greetings by Artist Theresa Brant

Here’s to clear night skies illuminated with kindness, understanding and peace. Wishing you and all your relations a safe and healthy winter break.
 Theresa Brant
” I’m a self taught aboriginal artist from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Ontario Canada. My artistic Journey began in the midst of the 2020 pandemic. Guided by the influence of my son, I found solace in the vibrant Embrace of acrylic paints.”
The “Sister’sLoveWalk” painting represents the stars and moon, like Sister’s, sharing a cosmic journey. They reflect the enduring strength and unity found in the deep connections of Sisterhood within Aboriginal traditions.
The McDonald Institute is proud to support Theresa’s art journey through the licensing of “Sister’sLoveWalk” for our 2023 holiday greeting.