News & Events
December 6, 2019
The McDonald Institute admin team receives the Special Recognition for Teams award
On December 3rd, the McDonald Institute administrative team was honoured to receive the Special Recognition for Staff Team Award from Principal Patrick Deane at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. The award is given annually to “a group of individuals who share mutual responsibilities and demonstrate a cooperative team effort”.

From left to right: Fouad Elgindy, Meghan Brien, Jennifer Low, Edward Thomas, Edward Nkole, Mark Richardson, Tony Noble, Diana Turner, Patrick Deane, Alexandra Pedersen, and Zachary Kenny
Since the official launch of the McDonald Institute in May of 2018, the small, but dedicated, team has worked together to bring the Institute to life. From milestone events such as the Institute launch and the opening of the Visitor Centre, to the development of sustained outreach initiatives like IGnite: Research Stories to Inspire Generations, and Astronomy on Tap, the group has worked collaboratively to make these, and much more, a reality.
The McDonald Institute team has developed a lively and engaged community of students and professionals in astroparticle physics and has helped create public interest in the field as well. Each member of our team contributes unique skills, talents and vision, supporting each other and making the office an exciting hub of ideas and strategies.
Queen's Principal Patrick Deane (left) speaks with Jennifer Low and Edward Nkole of the McDonald Institute admin team.
We would like to thank our Executive Director, Fouad Elgindy and our Scientific Director, Tony Noble, for the nomination of the award. Their leadership and vision are the foundations that the McDonald Institute is built on.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank those individuals who contributed to the development of the Institute’s earlier accomplishments, but have moved on to positions elsewhere; Jenna Saffin, serving as interim Communications Officer, laid the foundations for the collective identity of the McDonald Institute. Jenna now works as a Communications Officer at SNOLAB. Our first Education and Outreach Officer, Nathalie Ouellette, played a central role in developing the McDonald Institute Visitor’s Centre as well as the McDonald Institute outreach strategy. Nathalie now works in Outreach for the James Webb Space Telescope in Montreal. Jody Lees and Adamina Partridge were also important contributors to the establishment of events and programs.
We would also like to thank our several student volunteers, whose dedication has allowed us to make our various programs and events successful: Nikhil Arora, Jasmine Corning, Liz Fletcher, Clark Hardy, Brian Krar, Colin Moore, Connor Stone, Matthew Stukel, Benjamin Tam, and many others.
As the McDonald Institute continues to grow, we welcome Max Edgington to the team. Arriving too recently to be part of the team award, he has already proven to be a valuable contributor and has helped further benefit the team dynamic.