News & Events
Total Solar Eclipse!
Public Events
Date: April 8, 2024
Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm

On April 8th, 2024, Kingston and a lucky few areas in southern Ontario will witness a once-in-a-lifetime event: a total solar eclipse.
The 2024 eclipse will be visible from Mexico, the United States, and Canada. For the first time in almost 700 years, Kingston is located in the path of totality of a solar eclipse where the Sun will be completely blocked out by the Moon. The next time this will occur in our region is in the year 2399!

What is a Solar Eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on the Earth. A total solar eclipse, like the one that will occur on April 8th, 2024, occurs when the Moon completely blocks out the Sun’s light and causes night-like darkness during the day on a very slim sliver of the Earth’s surface. This sliver is also known as the path of totality.

Where to Go?
Notable cities in the path of totality include Kingston, Montréal, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, and more. Other major cities such as Toronto and Ottawa, however, are not in the path of totality. People in these cities will still see most of the eclipse but will miss the incredible spectacle of absolute totality. You can check out the entire path of totality on TimeAndDate (pictured left), or get exact details on your location using Xavier Jubier’s Google Map.

Tune in!
Whether you’ll be enjoying the eclipse in person or not, there are plenty of ways to be a part of this spectacular event online.
Our colleagues at Queen’s will be hosting a live stream of the on-campus gathering with host Khadeejah Motiwala. The stream will feature live footage from the Seestar solar tracking telescope provided by Physics dept, Head, Rob Knobel.
We will also be guests on the “Chasing the Shadow: Niagara to Newfoundland” live stream hosted by UofT/Dunlap Institute. The stream will feature several locations in the path of totality in Canada. You must register to receive a link to this stream:
Extra, Extra! Read all about it!
Aside from being awesome celestial phenomena, eclipses are important scientific events. Throughout history eclipses have been catalysts for scientific discovery and the advancement of human knowledge. Check out these recent publications and recorded talks from our partners.
Total solar eclipses provide an opportunity to engage with science, culture and history by Nikhil Arora and Mark Richardson
The total solar eclipse is a cosmic spectacle well worth the hype by Rob Knobel and Kristine Spekkens
Archeoastronomy uses the rare times and places of previous total solar eclipses to help us measure history by Sarah Sadavoy
 So Dramatic!
A total solar eclipse is one of the most dramatic experiences nature has to offer, but the students of the Dan School of Drama and Music at Queen’s University have something else to get you inspired.
 Share your story!
What are you doing, or what did you do during the eclipse? How did you make the experience extra special? We’d love to add your story here and share other resources that you’ve found. Please let us know at
Thanks, and enjoy the eclipse!