News & Events

Colton Hill (Chiba University)

Event Details

McDonald Institute Seminar Series

Location: Queen's: STI 501

Date: October 3, 2024

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

The GeV to PeV-scale - Future Physics Results from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has a broad and diverse physics programme, probing neutrinos from the atmosphere as well as highly energetic astrophysical objects. Its 1 km3 instrumented volume enables the observation of statistically significant numbers of TeV-scale+ neutrinos, exceeding energies produced at conventional terrestrial sources. At these energies, neutrinos interact exclusively via deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) – and while some data exists from IceCube and recently FASER, these measurements have been unable to provide strong constraints on leading cross section models. A preview of new results from IceCube look to indicate model preferences relevant for all future high energy neutrino analyses.

As a complimentary expansion to the existing IceCube detector, the IceCube Upgrade will extend its GeV-scale capabilities, significantly enhancing its ability to measure atmospheric neutrino oscillations. This increased sensitivity is strongly driven by new high-performance optical modules, set for deployment next year.

The McDonald Institute seminar will be held in Stirling 501. A zoom link is also available and was shared via email from Melissa Diamond or Aaron Vincent. Please reach out to them to get access.