Peng Wang

Queen's University

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

After completing his PhD in chemistry at McMaster University, Peng undertook a postdoc at Northwestern University. His time there was focused on investigating semiconductors to see if they could detect and identify radioactive materials. Before joining the McDonald Institute, Peng also worked as a scientist at Redlen Technologies Inc., where he was improving the quality and yield of detectors used in medical and security applications.

His work at the McDonald Institute supports the development of neutrino and dark matter detectors. Some materials interact with high energy radiation and subatomic particles and convert that energy into photo or electric signals that can be picked up by sensors. However, for a detector to work, the material it uses has to meet strict physical and chemical requirements. Peng’s work involves discovering potential detector materials and developing them into viable detectors.

Contact Information
Room 303, Chernoff Hall
Queens University
Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6
Phone: 613-533-3250


Q&A with Prof. Wang

What interested you about the McDonald Institute?

The McDonald Institute offers a unique opportunity to further my research in material chemistry under the framework of radiation and particle detection.

Why did you choose to work in a physics-related field?

“ enjoy experimenting with materials to manipulate their physical properties. Almost everything in the modern world is made based on the property of certain materials. There are countless exciting opportunities to improve our lives through the advancement of material physics.

Something that might surprise your students?

I enjoy cooking – it’s where chemistry meets living.