Ningqiang Song
Queen's University and Perimeter Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow - Particle Physics
Ningqiang Song is a postdoctoral fellow at Queen’s University investigating neutrinos and dark matter alongside Prof. Joseph Bramante and Prof. Aaron Vincent.
Contact Information:
Room 412C Stirling Hall
Queen’s University
Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6

After graduating from Nanjing University I went to Stony Brook University as a PhD student, where I worked with my advisor Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia. My PhD research focuses on the detection and the property of neutrinos, and their connections to solar model and
After obtaining the Ph.D. I am now a postdoc at Queen’s University. I am working with Aaron Vincent on the forecast of the next generation of neutrino telescope as well as the new phenomena at IceCube and future colliders. My collaboration with Joseph Bramante involves the new detection technique of dark photon and axion, supermassive dark matter and kilonova. I also spend part of my time in Perimeter Institute as an associate postdoc.
Q&A with Dr. Song
What are your research interests?
85% of the matter in the Universe remains unknown. I am interested in the most elusive particles in the Universe, including neutrinos and dark matter. IceCube is a powerful probe to physics at ultra high energy scale. The origin and phenomena of these neutrinos at IceCube open a new window to beyond Standard Model physics. In the absence of positive signals at direct detection experiments, the exploration of the phenomena of supermassive and ultralight dark matter will be attractive. I am also working on novel experimental techniques to detect dark matter and new methods to constrain the dark matter parameter space.
How would you describe your work at the most basic level?
I am trying to uncover the nature of neutrinos and dark matter. Not just neutrino and dark matter detectors, but also astronomy and cosmological observations can help us unveil their features.
Why did you choose physics?
My curiosity drives me to tackle the unknowns in the Universe.
 Recent Publications
Discovery and spectroscopy of dark matter and dark sectors with microscopic black holes
Cosmological constraints with self-interacting sterile neutrinos
Helioseismic and Neutrino Data Driven Reconstruction of Solar Properties
A new Generation of Standard Solar Models
Non-standard neutrino interactions in the Earth and the flavor of astrophysical neutrinos
Updated determination of the solar neutrino fluxes from solar neutrino data