News & Events

Drift: Art & Dark Matter Book Launch

Event Details

Public Events

Location: Kingston Frontenac Public Library: Central Branch, 130 Johnson St., Kingston, ON K7L 1X8

Date: November 18, 2024

Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Poster for Drift book launch event featuring speakers names, event date and location and an image of the book cover.

In 2021, The McDonald Institute, in partnership with The Agnes Etherington Art Centre, and SNOLB, the underground physics research laboratory in Sudbury, hosted an art and science residency. Artists Anne Riley, Nadia Lichtig, Josefa Ntjam, and Jol Thoms visited Queen’s and SNOLAB, met with scientists working in astroparticle physics and created artwork inspired by the experience. The work was exhibited at the Agnes in Kingston, The Belkin Gallery in Vancouver, The UofT Art Gallery in Toronto, and the Carleton University Art Gallery in Ottawa.



a photo of a stack of the Drift books showing off the purple page edges.

Last year, the artists, program organizers, and invited guests contributed to co-author DRIFT: Art & Dark Matter. The 182 page, full colour book is both a catalogue of the exhibition artworks and a further dialogue about the project and it’s layers of insight into art, science, and the research ecosystem.

This free, in-person event features short talks from several of the book’s co-authors, Nobel Laureate and Professor Emeritus Dr. Art McDonald, Director of the Agnes, Emelie Chhangur, Agnes Curator and book editor Sunny Kerr, and program coordinator Zac Kenny. Artists Anne Riley, Jol Thoms, and Nadia Lichtig will join remotely from the UK and France, respectively and share their experiences with the project and discuss their contributions to the book.

A photo of an artwork in progress on the table with hands of students drawing on it.

Finally, a third component of the DRIFT project was the development and facilitation of an art and science education module. Drifting Together is a complete teacher resource for grade 9 and 10 general science and grade 11 and 12 chemistry, physics, and earth and space science (Ontario Curriculum). Co-developers Mark Richardson and Charlotte Gagnier will present this resource and demonstrate some of its hands-on learning experiences.

The event is hosted in partnership with the Kingston Frontenac Public Library at the Central Branch at 130 Johnson St., Kingston, ON, K7L 1X8 in Meeting Room 1 which is wheelchair accessible. Please advise us in advance of the event of any extra accessibility features that would make this event more enjoyable for you or your family.

ASL Interpretation will be provided. If you have other accommodations need, please contact us at

Light refreshments will be served.

A poster for the Jol Thoms art exhibition featuring one of the artists artworks which looks like a mosaic of images from SNOLAB

There is also an exhibition of artwork featured in the book at the Miller Museum of Geology on display now until January. This is a great opportunity to see the artwork in person and gain a deeper experience of the DRIFT: Art and Dark Matter project.