News & Events
Open House – Sept 2024
Public Events
Location: Ellis Hall - 58 University Ave, Kingston, ON K7L 3N9
Date: September 14, 2024
Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm

The Boogeyman of Astronomy
The next Observatory Open House will be held on Saturday September 14th at 7:30pm in Ellis Hall Auditorium at Queen’s University.
This month we are very excited to feature Brandon Shane, who is a graduate student at Queen’s University. He will present ”The Boogeyman of Astronomy” which will discuss magnetic fields and how they pop-up in unexpected ways in astronomy and other space sciences.
The presentation will be followed by a tour of the McDonald Institute and the Queen’s Observatory where visitors will have the chance to view nearby and deep-sky celestial objects with our telescopes (weather permitting).
We hope to see you there!
The Open House presentations are hybrid events that can also be joined virtually over zoom:
If you are unable to watch them live, the presentations are posted to the Queen’s Observatory YouTube channel: