News & Events

HQPAC Town Hall

Event Details

HQP event

Location: Zoom link send via email -

Date: April 7, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm

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Graphic of paper cut out figures around a table talking and working on something together. Overlayed text : Town Hall,

The MI_HQPAC (McDonald Institute Highly Qualified Personnel Advisory Committee) invites you to join in an open, drop-in virtual Town Hall meeting. This event is open to all members of the astroparticle physics research community and focuses on issues relevant to the HQP community (students, postdocs, and early career researchers, engineers, and technicians). The Committee holds the monthly Town Hall meetings the week before the monthly committee meeting, where topics brought up during the Town Hall can be discussed in more detail and put into action.

This meeting is an opportunity to connect with others who are passionate about making the HQP experience the best it can be. It is a chance to talk about all issues, ideas, questions, with the people who are working to address them. It is also a great way to become familiar with the Committee, and is recommended for anyone who is considering joining the committee.

The Zoom link for this event will be sent via e-mail to subscribers of the Astroparticle Physics HQP mailing list. Join the list below, or reach out to for assistance.



We are thrilled to have you join us. Please use the form below to provide details about yourself that will help ensure you receive the information that is most relevant to you.

*Highly Qualified Personnel includes all graduate students, Postdocs, and early career researchers, engineers, and technicians as well as keen undergraduates working, studying, or with research connections to astroparticle physics.