News & Events
2023 Canadian Astroparticle Physics Community Meeting
Date: August 8, 2023
Time: 12:00am - 12:00am

Page update:
Thank you to all the community members who came together to make this year’s meeting a success!
Please find a summary of the meeting proceedings here:
 We are thrilled to announce a not-to-be-missed Aug. 8-10 national meeting at Queen’s University, celebrating the remarkable research progress accomplished over the last seven years across a dozen different international collaborations and many new theoretical insights.
This meeting is open to all members of the Canadian astroparticle physics research community and will feature morning research keynotes and update presentations and afternoon plenary sessions addressing long-term community priorities for science support, equitable working environments, HQP career mobility and funding strategies. All sessions are designed for you to get updated on overall research progress of the national community and to actively participate in the Institute’s planning to support your continued success as it develops its next five-year strategic plan.
 We are especially committed to supporting HQP involvement in the national meeting and will be offering substantial financial travel reimbursement support to eligible students, postdocs and associates upon request (see “HQP Support” in “DETAILS” below).
 Agenda Outline:
Tuesday, Aug. 8
Afternoon Workshop – Science Communication Workshop (special Professional Development Opportunity)
Wednesday, Aug. 9
Morning – Research keynote and updates
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
- Post-CFREF roles for McDonald Institute
- Long-term HQP professional development
Thursday, Aug. 10
Morning – Research keynote and updates
Afternoon – Breakout Sessions
- EDII Capacity Development
- Long-term research funding for Canadian APP
Evening – Gala Dinner
Agenda also available at:
Morning Research Talks:
This meeting event will feature retrospective and forward-looking talks on Canadian experimental progress in the 2016-2023 period including DEAP, SNO+, NEWS-G, CDMS, PICO, P-ONE, and the theoretical and technology advancements accomplished across the country in this time. We aim to celebrate the remarkable insights, achievements, and growing aspirations of our community.
 Afternoon Breakout Sessions:
The McDonald Institute wants to provide its entire research community an opportunity to shape its direction post 2025 as it delivers on its current CFREF mandate and works with the community to maintain a critical mass of researchers in Canada whose training and professional development opportunities take full advantage of our privileged position in a globally competitive field. These sessions will be interactive and balanced between practical skills sharing/development and forward planning to support our community over the long-term.
National Meeting Gala Dinner:
In addition to an intellectually rewarding program, we are excited to host a full-serve dinner reception on the picturesque shores of the St. Lawrence River. The evening will provide a perfect backdrop for networking, fostering collaborations, and simply enjoying the company of your peers in a breathtaking setting.
HQP Travel Support:
The Institute is invested in attracting HQP to participate in long-term planning and professional networking as fundamental to the success of any Big-Science discipline. For this reason, the Institute will, upon request, reimburse all eligible receipted domestic travel costs in excess of $250 that are incurred by any Tri-Council-eligible P.I. to support the attendance of any graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or research associate/engineer/technician who is principally engaged in astroparticle physics research under a Tri-Council-eligible P.I.’s supervision. The Institute will maintain a block of on-campus residence rooms for accommodation with preferential booking to HQP. Reimbursement claims must be made by supervising P.I.’s no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting (details to be circulated with formal registration form).
 Caregiver Support:
All participants in the meeting will be eligible to apply for reimbursement from our caregiver support policy, which reimburses up to $800 CDN for caregiver costs incurred as a result of participation in the National Meeting (details to be circulated with formal registration form).
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