Compare Institutes

We are actively building this page as we add profiles, research areas, institutes, and opportunities. We will expand this page to include comparisons between all our partnered institutes once we have included more opportunities in our network.

As you investigate and compare opportunities, we encourage you to also compare institutes and locations to truly find the best position for you. Find information specific to position type, such as funding, tuition costs, entrance requirements, and unions, or general information about an institute and location such as rent prices and cost of living. We also have affiliated facilities which offer employment and student opportunities.

All monetary amounts are quoted in Canadian Dollars (CDN, CAD) and are subject to change. Resources for all quoted information can be found on each institutions’ page, accessible through the top menu or through the buttons in the leftmost column on each table.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students are often starting their careers or switching directions in their careers. The estimates below are based on some assumptions* of the undergraduate student experience, and therefore you should check these estimates against more accurate reflections of your situation. Please note that all monetary values are given in Canadian Dollars (CAD), and deadlines are for starting studies in the fall semester (September).

Funding for undergraduate positions varies depending on the supervisor, department, and type of position in addition to hosting institution. Please see specific undergraduate research opportunities for information on funding. Click the buttons in the left-most column to see more about each institution as well as resources.

InstitutionLocationLength of ProgramEntrance RequirementsApplication DeadlineAnnual Tuition & fees (2021-2022)Organization & Unions
Ottawa, Ontario4 years70% averageJune 1 (January 13 through OUAC)$6828.50 (Domestic)
$27,817.5 (International)
Carleton University Students’ Association
Montréal, Québec4 yearsB+ averageFebruary 1$4868.81 (Québec)
$10,649.21(non-Québec domestic)
$52,167.41 (International)
Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)
Kingston, Ontario4 or 5 years75% averageDecember 1 (year before)$7226.02 (Domestic)
$52,824.52 (International)
Alma Matter Society (AMS)
Edmonton, Alberta4 or 5 years70% averageMarch 1$7903.62 (Domestic)
$31,312.42 (International)
University of Alberta Students' Union (UASU)
Vancouver, British Columbia4 years70% averageDecember 1 (year before)$6718.72 (Domestic)
$43,497.72 (International)
UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS)
Toronto, Ontario4 years70% averageJanuary 13$7700 (Domestic)
$60,372 (International)
University of Toronto Students' Union

Graduate Students

Graduate students have successfully completed an undergraduate degree and are learning about their field to build expertise for their career. Graduate programs are usually comprised of a Master’s degree (MSc), then PhD. Some programs may allow for accelerated MSc programs for smoother transitions into PhD programs, or a direct entry PhD where a MSc can be skipped entirely.

Please note that all monetary values are given in Canadian Dollars (CAD), and deadlines are for starting studies in the fall semester (September).Click the buttons in the left-most column to see more about each institution as well as resources.

InstitutionLocationLength of ProgramEntrance RequirementsApplication DeadlineMinimum Net Funding (2021-2022)*Organization & Unions
Ottawa, Ontario1-2 years (MSc),
4 years (PhD)
B+, 75-79%, or 3.3 GPAJanuary 15$30,000 (MSc., Domestic)
$33,000 (PhD, Domestic & International)
Graduate Students’ Association
Montréal, Québec2 years (MSc),
4 years (PhD),
5 years (direct-entry PhD)
CGPA = 3.0 /4.0 or
GPA = 3.2 /4.0 in last two years of full-time study
December 15 or July 15 (International) / September 15 (Domestic) for Winter$21, 652.13 (Domestic)
$20,899.13 (International)
Graduate Students’ Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS)
Kingston, Ontario1-2 years (MSc),
4 years (PhD)
B+, 75-79%, or 3.3 GPADecember 15 or February, program dependent$17,701.68 (MSc.)
$19, 901.68 (PhD)
Society of Graduate and Professional Students,
Public Service Alliance of Canada 902
Edmonton, Alberta1-2 years (MSc),
4 years (PhD)
GPA = 3.0 /4.0 in the last two years of full-time studyDecember 6$22,894.20 (MSc.)
$23,734.20 (PhD)
Graduate Students' Association (GSA)
Vancouver, British Columbia2 years (MSc),
4 years (PhD)
B+ or 76% overall average, A or 80% average in the last two years of full-time studyDecember 1$19,733 (Domestic, MSc.)
$23,739 (Domestic, PhD)
$19,405 (International, MSc)
$23,411 (International, PhD)
Graduate Student Society (GSS), CUPE 2278
Toronto, Ontario1-2 years (MSc),
4 years (PhD),
5 years (direct-entry PhD)
B+, 75-79%, or 3.3 GPADecember 15$25,200 (first year)University of Toronto Graduate Student Union, CUPE 3902 Unit 1

*Net funding is the total amount paid to the graduate student after tuition and mandatory fees.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellows have successfully defended their PhD thesis and are transitioning into leaders in their research field. Postdoctoral Fellowships fill niche roles in research groups and institutions, and build on project management, supervisory, and leadership skills in addition to research-specific skills.

Please note that all monetary values are given in Canadian Dollars (CAD).Click the buttons in the left-most column to see more about each institution as well as resources.

InstitutionLocationLength of FellowshipAnnual Internal Funding MinimumOrganization & Unions
Ottawa, Ontario2-3 years$34,200Postdoctoral Union (PSAC 77000)
Montréal, Québec2-3 years$34,611Association of Postdoctoral Fellows (APF), Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) and/or Association of McGill University Research Employees/Public Service Alliance of Canada (AMURE/PSAC)
Kingston, Ontario1-3 years$46,000 - $47,000, supervisor dependentPublic Service Alliance of Canada 901
Edmonton, Alberta2-3 yearsUnknownPost Doctoral Fellows Association (PDFA)
Vancouver, British Columbia2-3 years$26,600Postdoctoral Association (PDA)
Toronto, Ontario2-3 years$36,061CUPE 3902 Unit 5

Engineers and Technicians

Engineers and technicians are critical positions in every research group and field. They support experiment design, construction, and maintenance, computation and simulation support, and often provide invaluable insight on how to streamline projects and improve efficiency.

Please note that all monetary values are given in Canadian Dollars (CAD).Click the buttons in the left-most column to see more about each institution as well as resources.

InstitutionLocationAnnual Starting Salary RangeOrganization & Unions
Ottawa, Ontario$36,043 – $87,744, department and position dependentCUPE 2424
Montréal, Québec$33,250 – $68,250, department and position dependentMUNACA/PSAC
Kingston, Ontario$55,000 - $70,350, department and position dependentCUPE Local 254 (Queen's University Technicians), USW Local 2010 (United Steel Workers)
Edmonton, Alberta$58,210-$124,893, department and position dependentAssociation of Academic Staff at the University of Alberta (AASUA)
Vancouver, British Columbia$35,527-$72,336, department and position dependentCUPE 116
Toronto, Ontario$36,400 - $113,817, department and position dependentUSW Local 1998

Staff Members

Staff members include research support and administrative staff, and are who keep research programs running and meeting logistic milestones. The below salary ranges are wide due to the variety of positions and experience levels needed by staff, and include positions such as entry level clerks and senior management.

Please note that all monetary values are given in Canadian Dollars (CAD).Click the buttons in the left-most column to see more about each institution as well as resources.

InstitutionLocationAnnual Starting Salary RangeOrganization & Unions
Ottawa, Ontario$36,043 – $87,744, department and position dependentCUPE 2424 or CUPE 4600 (position dependent)
Montréal, Québec$33,250 – $118,300, department and position dependentAMURE/PSAC or MUNACA/PSAC (position dependent)
Kingston, Ontario$35,280 - $95,400, department and position dependentUSW Local 2010 (position dependent)
Edmonton, Alberta$27,660 - $123,672, department and position dependentAssociation of Academic Staff at the University of Alberta (AASUA)
Vancouver, British Columbia$41,355 - $159,663, department and position dependentAssociation of Administrative and Professional Staff at UBC (AAPS)
Toronto, Ontario$36,400 - $113,817, department and position dependentUSW Local 1998

General Information

Below is general information about living and working at varies institutions, and largely focuses on the cost of living and rent prices*.

Please note that all monetary values are given in Canadian Dollars (CAD).Click the buttons in the left-most column to see more about each institution as well as resources.

InstitutionLocationRent for a roomRent for 1 bdr apartmentRent for 2 bdr apartmentCost of living range*
Ottawa, Ontario$700 per month$1400 per month$1850 per month$16,800 - $30,600 per year
Montréal, Québec$550 per month$1300 per month$1750 per month$15,000 - $29,400 per year
Kingston, Ontario$600-$800 per month$1000 - $1500 per month$1300-$2500 per month$17,200 - $38,400 per year
Edmonton, Alberta$500 per month$900 per month$1200 per month$14,400 - $22,800 per year
Vancouver, British Columbia$1000 per month$2000 per month$2500 per month$24,000 - $43,000 per year
Toronto, Ontario$900 per month$1750 per month$2250 per month$19,200 - $40,000 per year

*Please note that rent prices vary, and the estimates here cannot be updated in real time. You may find housing at significantly lower or higher price points than those provided here. The cost of living range uses the following estimates in addition to rent:

  • Internet plan, mobile plan, transportation costs, and other necessary expenses are $400 per month
  • Food costs up to $300 per month

Your cost of living estimates may be higher or lower depending on your personal situation.

Affiliated Facilities

There are two main facilities affiliated with the Canadian Astroparticle Physics network that host opportunities. These are not degree granting institutions, but do offer research and employment opportunities to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research support staff, engineers, and technicians.